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About  Us

The mandate of the Kingston District Shrine Club is to support Shriners Hospitals for Children®. These hospitals came into being when the dreaded polio epidemic spread across North America in 1922. The mandate of the Shriners is as simple today as it was then, namely, to provide foremost medical care at no charge to any child up to the age of 18 requiring treatment for orthopaedic/spinal cord injuries or burns.


Charitable fundraising is an ongoing project at the Kingston District Shrine Club, please see our UPCOMING EVENTS section for further details. Your support of these activities is greatly appreciated. 

To learn more about some of the 22 non-profit hospitals currently supported by us
(including the Shriners Hospital for Children® located in Montreal-Quebec) please visit our page OUR HOSPITALS or:

Kingston District Shrine Club
3260 Princess St., Kingston, On., Canada, K7P 0K6
Tel: +1.613.384.9554 - Fax: +1.613.384.0161 


© 2016 All Rights Reserved

Owing allegiance and operating by permission of Rameses Shriners

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