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Shriners Hospitals
for Children®

Shriners Hospitals for Children® is changing lives every day through innovative pediatric specialty care, world-class research, and outstanding medical education. The 22 hospitals focus on four specialized areas of care:

  • Orthopaedic Care – medical and rehabilitative services for children with congenital deformities and conditions, problems resulting from orthopaedic injuries, and diseases of the neuromusculoskeletal system.

  • Burn Care – treatment for acute and non-acute burn injuries and related scarring, along with physical rehabilitation and emotional support.

  • Spinal Cord Injury – spinal cord injury rehabilitation specifically for children, offering some of the most advanced treatment in the country, with full range of services.

  • Cleft Lip and Palate Care – coordinated, comprehensive multidisciplinary care for children with this condition.

To learn more about some of the 22 non-profit hospitals currently supported by us
(including the Shriners Hospital for Children® located in Montreal-Quebec), please visit:

If you know a child who the Shriners Hospitals might be able to help, call one of our toll-free patient referral lines between 8am and 5pm Eastern Time. In Canada: 1-800-361-7256.
In the U.S.: 1-800-237-5055.

In Canada, Mexico and United States:

Click in any of the 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children®
below to see more information about each of them:

Kingston District Shrine Club
3260 Princess St., Kingston, On., Canada, K7P 0K6
Tel: +1.613.384.9554 - Fax: +1.613.384.0161 


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Owing allegiance and operating by permission of Rameses Shriners

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